Types of Alcoholic Drinks
Alcoholic drinks are generally considered as drinks containing ethanol.

Alcohol is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. Ethanol in the drink acts as a depressant of the central nervous system, which results in alteration of cognition or behaviour.
Categories of alcoholic drinks (Alcohol by Volume):
- Fermented
Beer (~5%) — Fermentation of starch.

Wine (~15%) — Fermentation of grapes.
2. Distilled
Vodka (~40%) — Distillation of fermented cereals.

Gin (~42%) — Distillation of fermented juniper berries.
Brandy (~42%) — Distillation of fermented grapes.

Tequila (~45%) — Distillation of fermented blue agave plant.

Rum (~45%) — Distillation of fermented sugarcane.
Whisky (~50%) — Distillation of fermented grain like corn and wheat.